Keynote Speakers

Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D.

Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia

** to be confirmed

"Higher Education challenges & policy directions"

Prof. Dr. Martha Cleveland-Innes

Professor and Chair, Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University, Canada

"Higher Education Transformation and the Role of Online Communities of Inquiry"

Prof. Dr. George Veletsianos

School of Education and Technology, Royal Roads University, Canada

"Higher Education Teaching and Learning During and Post Pandemic"

Plenary Speakers

  • Ou Lydia Liu, Ph.D.
    Principal Research Director at Educational Testing Service (ETS), USA
  • Irvan Bastian Arief, Ph.D.
    AVP of Data Science at
  • Raedene Copeland, Ph.D.
    Assistant Provost for Inclusive Faculty Excellence, Seattle Pacific University, U.S.A

2021 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Productivity & Sustainability

December 9 – 10, 2021


Welcome to the official website of the 2021 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Productivity and Sustainability (2021 IMPS). The conference will take place virtually during December 9 – 10, 2021, Western Indonesia Time (WIB).

"New Trends and Approaches in Higher Education"

2021 IMPS is hosted by Krida Wacana Christian University (UKRIDA), Jakarta, Indonesia, in partnership with Seattle Pacific University (S.P.U.), Seattle, U.S.A., and National Formosa University (NFU), Yunlin, Taiwan. The conference aims to bring together experts, researchers, professionals, educators, and scholar students in various disciplines to share their investigation and interpretation of global issues and higher education (HE) practices. The event highlights how the 2019 coronavirus pandemic has affected learning, research, and management approaches in HE. Evaluation and speculation focus on HE future research and practices in Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 Era.

Multidiciplinary - Sustainable - Productive - Equitable - ICT-Driven - Global

There are five conference tracks addressing trends in multiple disciplinary fields, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), behavioral sciences and language studies, economics and business, medicine and health sciences, and student research. There will also be a Teacher Development Forum for the teachers’ target audience.

The conference will use a virtual event platform to allow more participants across the globe to attend the event. Following the conference, presenters can submit their abstracts or papers for publication consideration in either the 2021 IMPS proceeding or an internationally indexed conference proceeding and other partner journals.


2021 IMPS welcome submissions of the abstract or full paper in each conference track, including student research. The four conference tracks raise the central theme of advances, new trends, and approaches in the following disciplines.

Click the hyperlink to refer to each conference track for more information about the topics of interest, invited speakers, and other details about the track.

hosted by:
partner journals: